These startups already raised the fund.


Your Tech Partner !

Bizmobia will be your committed technical partner and cofounder . Our technical team works with you on building and developing your tech startup from A to Z. Our team has the knowledge and expertise in different programming languages and tools. As a tech cofounder, Bizmobia covers 50% of the costs needed for the development and gets equity in exchange. The only thing you need to work on is to secure the other 50% of the costs needed!

We work with startups from all CountriesIndustriesStages

Book an online Meeting!

Startup Name*

Company's Website (Optional)

Full Name*

LinkedIn Profile (Optional)


Phone number*

Please enter correct number

Which stage are you at now?*

What is your budget for your tech project?*

Our Conditions

50% of the costs

As a founder, you will need to secure about 50% of the estimated total costs. Bizmobia covers the other 50%. Once the money is secured, we can start the work!

Validated Business
You need to have a validated business idea/project with a clear technical development needs in mind.

Application steps

You can send us your info via the online form below. We need accurate info in order to assess the project accurately and come back to you with the right feedback!

We will send you details on how we can help mostly within two days of your application. Our email will contain details about the costs, the services, and will give you a good idea of what to expect. We will also have a conference call with you to discuss further.

We first assess the costs needed depending on the startup technical needs. The founder then needs to secure half of these costs in order to move to the next step.

Once the costs are fully covered (50% by Bizmobia and 50% by the founder) the operations will start and our internal team will start building the product.

What is holding you back from building your Tech Startup?

  • Not finding the right tech team?

  • Lack of expertise in assessing the project and the costs?

  • Not sure you can find the right outsourcing option?

  • Looking for a committed tech partner to back up your idea?

  • Hiring a team of freelancers costs loads of money that you do not have?


Bizmobia helps you solve all of these challenges by becoming your Technical Cofounder!



Got their products built



Our network is global


Technical experts

Who provide full technical support


Completed projects

We handle projects from A to Z


Years of Experience

Helping startups build successful products


Covered costs

We invest 50% of the total costs

we use

Client’s reviews
Client’s reviews
Client’s reviews
Client’s reviews
Client’s reviews
Client’s reviews

Technical Cofounder Program Process

Our Tech Cofounder program is a flexible program whereby we help you start your tech startup through different phases

We follow a rigorous process to ensure we deliver a high-quality product

Mostly, these are the steps forward after getting accepted:

Our Services

Building a Prototype and an MVP

Proof of Concept

Product Costing

Software Prototype

MVP Development

Software Development

iOS App Development

Android App Development

Website Development

Database services

Cloud Solutions

Design Services for Startups

Software Design

Web Design

Mobile App Design

Expert Technical Team

CTO as a Service

QA testing team

Trending Questions

Bizmobia internal team builds your MVP, app, website, and handles technical development from A to Z. Moreover, Bizmobia covers 50% of the costs needed. Bizmobia get equity in the startup.

You will find a committed technical team who will back you up and provide expertise and consultancy in many different areas. You will also save 50% of the costs needed otherwise.

The founder needs to secure the other 50% of the costs needed for technical development. This is the only cash money the founder needs to join this program. Bizmobia gets equity in the startup in exchange for the services offered. We can help you attain the money needed through our Raise Capital or Idea to Product programs.

Bizmobia internal team handles the technical development from A to Z. We do not outsource any part of the project.

The first step would be to fill in the online form . The team then will send you more details via email. We will discuss the benefits, the terms and all the details and have a call before signing any agreements or making any payments or obligations.

The program is country and industry agnostic. It focuses on startups in their idea stage, Pre-MVP stage, MVP stage, and Post-MVP stage.

MVP Development

Building an MVP is the first step to start your tech startup!

Our team works with you on designing and building your MVP (Minimum Viable Product). We provide you with all the technical and business expertise needed to create an MVP, test it, and improve it in order to reach the right product that your customers will love!

MVP Life Cycle

MVP Project Scoping

Setting the business needs or startup purpose of building the product

MVP conceptualization and software outlining

Setting features, functionality and building the design architecture

Choosing the technology stack needed

MVP Planning

MVP Project Plan (Deciding what would the MVP cover; features, business scope, services, etc.)

MVP Project Assessment (costs and skills needed)

MVP Budget Planning: Estimating the costs of building the product

MVP Project Timeline

Building the MVP

MVP Coding: creating a functional working MVP with all the features needed

MVP Launching: Testing is needed before the official launch

MVP Testing: Valuable feedback from users to create a better MVP

How are we unique?

BizmobiaOutsourcing CompaniesFreelance Developers
Product conceptualization and Product DesignBeing your technical founder, Bizmobia needs to be sure that the product will be innovative and address market challenges.Outsourcing companies usually lack the business approach when building a product. They can build a good technology but they are not good at doing a good product conceptualization.They usually need to get the job done as quickly as possible without taking no responsibility for what is being developed.
Business Expertise and ConsultationWe approach software development from a business perspective. The program has already a free business package of a value of USD 35k or above.Outsourcing companies usually lack marketing/sales aspects and they will develop the product just as required.
InnovationBizmobia works on building an innovative product from scratch by assigning the right team to do this job.These companies don’t usually take into account innovation when they work on developing the product.No innovation at all, just executing the basic tasks.
TransparencyWe are a cofounder and we will invest, so we will be very transparent about the costs and different stages of development.An outsourcing company will make money from the development hours. So it's best that they hook the customer and continue charging them in the future.No clear info about development costs or future. Not suitable at all for lean or agile methodologies.
Extensive Technical ResourcesWe have more than 200 internal software developers within Bizmobia. We can always allocate people to the project.Most are limited by the resources and they will prioritize using those resources based on the margins they make from each project.Resources are limited and they are usually busy with multiple projects with no clear timeline.
Covering 50% of the costsWe are a partner who will invest in the startup over several rounds of funding. Covering 50% of initial costs means that you have someone who is ready to take the risk plus you are left with more money to do marketing/sales.Outsourcing companies don’t provide investment of any type.No investment/commitment made.
Long-term commitmentWe are a partner who is committed over a long period of time. We invested at least 4 times in all startups that joined this program.As long as the margins are good, you stay with them. If you are dissatisfied, then you will take the code but it's difficult to find a team who can work on it.Software developers use different methodologies and in many cases, they are unable to continue working together.

Tech Cofounder Program

In this program, Bizmobia team will handle technical development fully or partially. We are ready to become your technical cofounder and to be responsible for the whole development of the product from A to Z in case you have no technical team or looking for outsourced product development. We can also work with your team on specific technical modules. We are ready to invest 50% of the money needed in technical development. For example, if you are looking to raise $100k for your technical development then Bizmobia will invest 50% of that which is 50k and you only need to raise the other 50k. We will also help you get connected to investors/mentors who might be interested in supporting your startup.

They are highlighted on the website before you do the submission. 1. You should be willing to allow Bizmobia to become the technical cofounder and build your tech startup, or continue its development or partially help in the development. 2. To start the development process, the founder needs to secure 50% of the costs. Bizmobia invests 5o% and is willing to offer a letter of commitment to help the entrepreneur in reaching angel investors more easily. 3. The entrepreneur should be willing to provide equity to Bizmobia in exchange for the technical development services it will be providing. Bizmobia will also provide a lot of other free services throughout the program such as market study, feasibility study, market strategy, and other legal services for free! Bizmobia will not be charging the entrepreneur for any of these services because we feel it’s our duty to provide them as a technical cofounder. 4. The entrepreneur doesn’t need to relocate to UAE. We are an online incubator, accelerator, service provider and you can reside anywhere in the world and even keep your daily job until the product is built.

We help startups in all industries as long as they have a technical component and looking for a tech cofounder.

No. We will not become the owner of the startup nor the technology (hardware/software) as the technology will be owned by the startup itself in which we have shares.

The startup itself. Bizmobia has equity in the startup but the startup will own all source code and all IP from development. The source code can be later moved to another team if this is required.

There are two main scenarios: 1. Either you have already raised the other 50% of the seed fund needed and then we can proceed with the technical development process. 2. Or you don’t have the 50% of the money and you are looking to raise them from angel investors or VCs. In such cases, we provide you with a “Letter of Commitment” that guarantees the money for you over a period of time. This letter is a commitment that the money you want from Bizmobia will be reserved for your project over a period of time (normally less than 3 months). So, in case you were able to raise the money from an angel investor then you will know for sure that the money we promised is already committed to you. Such a letter will significantly increase your chances of raising capital from a funding source.

Once we gather all the information and agree on the amount of money that you want to raise, the amount of money needed for technical development, the equity given to Bizmobia, and discuss a little about how soon you think you can raise the other 50% from angel investors. Usually, once those are clear then your startup will be featured in front of the board and if you are accepted then you will receive a draft of the LoC that you need to fill and sign.

You can re-submit. Maybe the information that you sent is not enough or maybe you should think again about the amount of money to be raised and the equity you want to give to Bizmobia. It’s a good chance to read more about the program and to rethink the opportunity. We encourage you to re-submit if you think it makes sense after the review.

It depends on how advanced you are in the process itself and how much attraction you have got from investors. If there’s progress then you can ask for an extension and we will study it and get back to you.

Our business team will restudy the whole business plan and come back with questions/challenges. This service is provided for free during the Tech Cofounder program and can amount to $150k. We provide some market and sales research, we can help through our network. We also provide Legal services but you might still need a dedicated lawyer in case things are complicated. In case you are interested in more comprehensive business development services, check out our growth program; Grow your Startup.

50% is the standard requirement. We can accept startups that have 40% in some cases.

An innovative idea, a business plan, a financial forecast study, and of course 50% of the funding. The founder(s) will be also responsible for raising funds, marketing, and sales.

We can move forward once you secure the other 50% of the capital needed or got at least a clear positive commitment from an investor.

You can take a look at technologies that we cover if you check accepted and graduated startups in our Tech Cofounder program (both graduated and those that are incubated now) by taking a look at our portfolio. The technologies covered include PHP, java, nodejs, react, different database types, .net, C#, Python, Android and iOS native applications, and many others.

We can work with your already existing technical team on separate modules while covering 50% of the costs that Bizmobia team is responsible for. If your product is already built we can help with growing the startup by offering sales and marketing services in our Grow your Startup program while also covering 50% of the costs.

As long as we are the tech cofounder, then we will have to do all the upgrades and enhancements. We are always responsible for technical development and product improvement.

Yes, we do. We have a full team of mentors and advisors. In addition, we can connect you with potential co-founders and clients. At a later stage, we can also help introduce your start-up to VCs and angel investors. We also cover 50% of the costs needed for technical development.

You will have your first investor and you will have a technical cofounder/tech partner or your CTO! We will save you the trouble of finding a professional technical team. Finding a tech cofounder for your startup who will share the costs of development with you and continuously support your tech startup is highly important and this what we offer through our Tech Cofounder program. You will also have immediate access to potential investors who are ready to invest in your startup even if your business idea is at an early stage and all you have is a business plan and an executive summary. We are ready to work with you on building your dream technical startup and a presentable MVP product.

Any entrepreneur who is looking for a technical cofounder or a professional technical team. So if an entrepreneur lacks the technical knowledge or the funding to build the technical component of their start-up, then we will be ready to offer technical development services and 50% of the costs.

The entrepreneurs are expected to secure the other 50% either through their own investment (savings, family or friends) or through an angel investor. Once the startup gets an initial acceptance then we will send them a letter of commitment where we clarify that we will commit 50% of the money they need. Such an agreement can be used when they will later raise money from angel investors (to show that they have been accepted and Bizmobia is committed to invest 50% of the money needed).

An entrepreneur who does not have technical expertise has to find a technical co-founder and partner who will help in building a tech startup whether it is an app or a website. Finding the right tech cofounder will enable entrepreneurs and startups founders to focus on their business issues because the tech cofounder will take the whole responsibility for building and developing your tech startup. Building a technical team needs a lot of effort and costs money, so looking for the right technical co-founder and team who will cover half of the cost and save time like Bizmobia will be the best option to take.

Financial Questions

No, the amount of equity we get in any startup depends on the investment needed and how much funding the startup is ready to contribute, plus the level of effort required from our end. It also depends on the valuation of the company and the stage of the startup. What matters in any offer is that the entrepreneurs should bear in mind that our investment is already 50% of the money needed and that we will take full responsibility for a CTO and do the whole technical development of the startup from A to Z. You can contact us to discuss it.

We get equity for our technical development. We don’t do any loans.

No, we will be investing 50% of the costs for the parts that will be assigned to us as the technical co-founder in your startup.

The valuation is something we should come together to. We can’t value the business ourselves. If the business has already gone through a big round of funding then we can know the valuation that was earlier.

You can contact them yourself, but we prefer to interfere to give them a thorough idea about our role in your startup.

No, we can’t start the development until you secure the 50% needed from your side.

Our equity will be diluted in the same way that your equity is diluted.

There’s no definitive answer that goes for everybody. It’s clear that the more you are able to raise in your round the more resources you have that can be used for technical development and thus you will have a stronger and more appealing product. At the same time, the higher the amount you want to raise the less is your chance to be able to raise it and the higher is the equity that you have to give up in an early round of funding! So, it all depends on how much you can raise. If you can raise $200k then go for it. Anyway, it’s always better to have two plans to raise the money, i.e. Plan A to raise $100k and Plan B to raise $200k and to be ready for both scenarios.

We prefer to have the first round of funding go ONLY for technical development. It is better to focus on one goal in a round of funding and make sure it is fully achieved before jumping to another.

It depends on the amount you were able to secure. If it’s 40% or more then Bizmobia might consider investing the other 60% but never 100%. It’s a case-by-case decision.

Technical Questions

If the development process is not done yet or if there are enhancements that need to be done, then we usually go through another round of funding where we also invest 50% of the money needed for technical development. You can see that we invested more than 4 times in some of the startups we worked with whereby we continuously developed the main product or worked with them on spin-off products as well.

We will not begin the development until you secure the other 50% for us. In the meantime, we will be working on the incubation agreement where we highlight the roles and responsibilities.

In such cases we accept that part of the development will be done at your side but we need to set clear specifications to what each team should be doing. Bizmobia will invest 50% of the money needed in its own modules only.

There will be two teams assigned to your startup: a technical team and a business team. The technical team will be studying the product and its features, come up with the project plan and estimate the needed resources and development times in detail. A similar estimation was done roughly in the review stage, but now it should be done more in detail. The business team will review your business plan, monetization strategy, and work on improving the content of such a study.

No, Bizmobia will be assigning the people who will be working on your startup according to the skills required.

No, accepting us as your technical co-founder means that Bizmobia will supervise its internal team as it will be responsible for it. There will be a project manager who’ll lead the discussions between our teams and yours. Please note that we are not an outsourcing company, but rather a committed technical partner thus we are responsible for the success of the startup just like you.

No. We will not become the owner of technology as the technology will be owned by the startup itself in which we have shares.

We are ready to develop the product in multiple rounds of funding as we have done already with almost all startups that we have. But that doesn’t mean we have to. It’s up to FC and the founders to discuss this together and agree on what needs to be done.

As long as we are the tech cofounder, then we will have to do all the upgrades and enhancements. We are always responsible for technical development and product improvement.

We incubate hardware startups and software startups as long as they need engineering and development.

We are not an outsourcing company. We are a technical co-founder. We will be responsible for all technical aspects and we will have a budget for that and it will be our responsibility to do the support and bug fixes. It’s something we will agree on together.

When we are talking about technical development then that excludes any patent or anything else. The investment we invest in is only the real technical development and we invest 50% of that.

We do our own due diligence.

The timeline depends on the development efforts needed and how much resources we agree to dedicate. This is something we need to discuss in details after the initial acceptance.

No, we will be handling the technical development as long as it takes. We are committed as a technical cofounder.

You will be working with one person representing Bizmobia who will be your liaison with all parties in Bizmobia. There will be a project manager (your main point of contact). There will be mainly two teams who will be working on your startup: one is the technical team who will handle the development and the other is the business team who will review a business plan, financial study, and lot more).

We have worked on more than 40 startups and this hasn’t happened so far. This doesn’t mean that it won’t happen. But the chances are very low. Anyway, it’s just like any project. There’s also a risk that things will not work according to the plan and for this, we should have plan B and try to come up with clever proposals on how to overcome the obstacles and come up with good solutions quickly. Both teams should understand that 100% execution of any plan is not guaranteed and have to work together as a team to help each other achieve the mutual goal.

Yes, our internal team will work on technical development. There are about 150 people in our technical team.

We help define and prioritize product features in order to help start-ups achieve their business goals. We help entrepreneurs design, build their backend systems, and refine their website and/or mobile apps.

We provide our investment per equity. It is a “technical development per equity” program. The equity we get depends on the amount of money we are investing and the valuation of the company among other factors. There are many services that we provide for free in our Tech Cofounder program such as business development, business consultation, product review, help in pitching the startup, market study, market analysis, matching with investors and mentors, and many more.

Yes, we will help by featuring the startup on our website to attract investor’s attention. We also help by matching the founders with angels investors who might be interested. We also help by signing the letter of commitment which will make finding investors and meeting their criteria easier.

The equity we get is a ratio between our investment and the value of the startup. In order to reach a fair equity offer, the founder has to note that our investment in the Tech Cofounder program comes in technical development form and in business development form. If the founder has a good understanding of what we are offering and a fair valuation of the startup then their equity offer will be fair.

Yes, because the startup has raised this money to develop its product and it has appointed Bizmobia as its technical cofounder. So, what is happening is that you are giving half of the capital not to Bizmobia but to the startup itself as Bizmobia is using this money to build your tech startup. The clear advantage here is that you have your product developed and you only raised half of the money needed.

Yes, we do. We have our own servers and we host also in different clouding solutions. The IT security is provided by the clouding provider itself.

Yes, there’s a team that will be assigned to your startup. The team will be developing the product and once finished then they will move to another project. This will save a lot of costs for the startup as it doesn’t need to be paying salaries for the team while the entrepreneurs are exploring the market. Once there’s a need for future development then the same team will work on the development. We will be planning things well in advance so that we can even expand the team if necessary.

Sure we do. Actually, we have developed an improved version of it. In our method, we sit down from the initial acceptance phase and discuss with the founders about the features that we should have in our software. Then we group these features together into sets based on their priorities and how they are related to each other. These sets will correspond each to a specific release version (pre-alpha, alpha, beta, the first version, second version ..etc). This process is essential to save time and be sure that features needed in future versions will not prove to be difficult to code. Features needed in the future (beyond the current round of funding) will be taken into account from the first day of development and thus won’t need major changes in the code itself.

Legal Questions

In general, there are three contracts: 1. Initial acceptance: By which we commit to invest in your startup and become its technical cofounder. 2. Pending incubation: Whereby you’ll be able to feature your startup on our website. 3. Incubation agreement: Where all our roles and responsibilities are highlighted. Of course, we need to discuss it well before we proceed with signing it.

Yes, in most cases we will become your tech partner.

Sure. We will sign a letter of commitment after the initial acceptance before starting working on the startup. There’s also the incubation agreement. In this agreement, we will agree on the roles/responsibilities and give more details on how to manage the incubation phase. We will set a clear project plan for product development and tie it to milestones.

Questions about the process

The team will follow up with you and discuss the main aspects of your startup to make sure that we are on the same page and move your startup to the next stage where you will get the commitment letter and start raising money.

Once you are initially accepted then we will send you a letter of commitment where we will state that we are committed to investing 50% of the money you want to raise (that we agree on of course) for a period of time (mostly 3 months). You can use this letter and present it to investors. Investors will see that you have already secured 50% of the funding and you already have a strong tech partner at your side and that will all increase your chance of raising the money.

Definitely, you are free to choose whether to feature your startup on the website or not, it’s just an additional service that we have in the incubation program.

We will not begin the development until you secure the other 50% for us. In the meantime, we will be working on the incubation agreement where we highlight the roles and responsibilities.

We are already prepared! Remember when we set the plan during the incubation phase, we were clear on when the product will be ready and we highlighted when alpha, beta, and final versions will be ready. We already agreed on the steps that you have to take when those versions are ready such as contacting investors and/or reaching out to customers. Surely, we will not be waiting until the product is finished and ask what to do! We should be working together as a team and each side is focusing on their goals. By the time the alpha version is ready, we expect you to be talking to investors for the second round of funding where we can improve on the product and start the marketing/sales aspect of the business.

#10-3-282/2/2 , 2nd Floor, Humayun Nagar,Mehdipatnam, Hyderabad – 500028. Telangana, India